gothic portals

there is an old medieval tradition of designing splendid and complex church portals as they are the thresholds between the secular world outside and the sanctified interior, welcoming many visitors every day. french and french-influenced 13th century cathedrals have some of the greatest portals in architectural history, featuring exuberant sculptural decoration arranged according to sophisticated iconographies. however, this poster focuses on the later stages of gothic architecture, as a large variety of new portal types emerges throughout europe. while sculptural ornamentation is receding, architects are now mainly interested in new arch shapes, jamb and lintel profiles, and ornamental decoration. from the 15th century, also fortifications, residential houses and other secular buildings receive elaborate portals. this poster shows not only the highlights, instead it features the whole range from splendid church portals to simple townhouse doors.

this poster is available in black and white.