about me


my name is tobias lindorfer. i am a 1997 born history of arts and history student living in vienna (austria), starting to work in architectural research step by step. 

i am deeply fascinated by the physical world out there and what humankind has made of it. the way we structure and design our environment requires so many decisions, and it is incredibly exciting to analyze what decisions people, societies and generations made and make. knowledge and an attentive eye are good tools to better understand the built environment, and a camera is a good tool to store observations.

one of my favorite things to do is visiting places. not only to view the masterpieces of art, architecture and engineering, but to see the ordinary buildings and structures. I am spending hours and days strolling through districts and villages, finding things that are ignored by the passers-by and forgotten by the architecture guides, but intriguing in their own ways.

with my posters, I do not only want to create artworks that may be beautiful in some people´s eyes. I want to draw attention to all the things out there that surround us every day but still need to be discovered yet—and some of these things are good and some are bad, but they all had and have a certain function and tell us a lot about their creators and their time. comparison is a powerful tool to show the differences, qualities and the peculiar beauty of these structures. and posters are a powerful tool to make this knowledge and this appreciative but critical way to see available to other people.

i hope that i can share some of my fascination for the built environment. and i think i have reached my goal when i can get one or the other person to put on an attentive look when walking through the city or the village next time.